Baita Da Rico

Condizioni Vendita

Località Ciarcenal Monte Zoncolan
33020 Sutrio UD Italia
Tel. +39.331 6892383
P.IVA 03002070302

General terms and conditions for your stay

1. Validity
These conditions are valid for reservations made through our web-site
For any questions about special reservations or groups it is necessary to contact directly the reception of our BAITA DA RICO S.A.S. DI PIAZZA LORIS. Please call:+39.331 6892383.

2. Selling prices
All the inserted prices, from our price list, are VAT- inclusive. Prices and discounts could be modified at any time, without notice, except for reservations that have already been accepted and confirmed. It is responsability of BAITA DA RICO S.A.S. DI PIAZZA LORIS to provide for a new accomodation or to pay compensation for damages if the house is in bad condition.

3. Check-in and Check-out times
Check-in and Check-out times:
check-in: after 4 pm.
check-out: before 10 am.
For any change you MUST speak with the managers of BAITA DA RICO S.A.S. DI PIAZZA LORIS.

4. Charges
According to the law BAITA DA RICO S.A.S. DI PIAZZA LORIS is entitled to ask compensation charges if you cancel your reservation. The amount is calculated as follows:
- cancellation received between 3 days before your arrival:50% charge on the total amount;
- cancellation received between 2 days and the day before your arrival: 80% charge on the total amount.
- if you do not cancel your reservation you will have to pay the total amount.

5. Law in force and competent court
All decisions are taken in accordance with the Italian Law. The district court of Tolmezzo (UD) is competent for any dispute or disagreement between our Albergo Diffuso and its customers.

6. Exclusion of liability
All data have been collected with the utmost care according to the law. BAITA DA RICO S.A.S. DI PIAZZA LORIS declines all responsability for mistakes in using or communicating them. The use of data (or part of them) in other web sites or for any different purpose not included in the agreement is allowed only upon express authorization of the customer that must always give its consent to the use and transmission of his personal data.

7. Privacy
Following points are in conformity with article 13 of the legislative decree 196/03, published in the Gazzetta Ufficiale 174 of 29th July 2003:

1. The person concerned or whoever else giving us his/her personal data is entitled to obtain information, orally or in writing, about:
a) the purposes and the methods of his data handling;
b) if some data are necessary or not;
c) what happens if the user refuses to supply personal information;
d) the people or categories of people to whom the data may be communicated or who may become aware of it as appointed State area representatives, managers or people given specific tasks.And when this could happen;
e) his rights (see article 6);
f) the identification details of the owner and, if appointed, of the people responsible and of the local State representative (according art. 5). If there are more persons responsible for the use of data at least one name must be given, together with the way of finding out and contacting the others. If appointed, it is also necessary to give the name of the person in charge of taking care of customer relationships, to exert the rights mentioned in article number 7.

2. The information given to customers (see point 1) could not include things that they already know or something that must be kept secret to allow public inspections or controls aiming at State defence, prevention and crime fight.

3. The Privacy Guarantor can decide to take some measures to simplify the information that must be given by call centres or other customer services.

4. The person concerned will be given the information (see point 1) as soon as his/her data are registered or at the latest just after the first time they are transmitted. This is valid also if personal data are given by a third person.

5. Point 4 is not valid when:
a) personal data are used according to the law, regulations or European Union rules;
b) personal data are used to carry out investigations (according to the law 397 of 7th December 2000) or to claim or defend rights before a court. Of course personal data must be used exclusively for these purposes and just for the time needed to reach them;
c) the Privacy Guarantor can decide that the information is not needed as it implies a procedure that is disproportionate and too complicated if compared to customer’s rights.

The booking centre of BAITA DA RICO S.A.S. DI PIAZZA LORIS acts in conformity with the privacy law mentioned above. To carry out the services required we need the explicit consent of the customer. By reading the points mentioned above and accepting our online booking conditions the customer allows the use of its personal data for commercial, administrative and fiscal purposes connected to our activity. Personal data will be used also to send advertising material or news to the customer, concerning BAITA DA RICO S.A.S. DI PIAZZA LORIS or local tourist offers.

About the use of personal data we inform that:

• Personal data will be always collected and handled according to the law, with both written or computer methods, with the only purpose to carry out the services required.

• The personal data of the customer are absolutelt necessary to carry out the services required. In case of lack of personal information we can’t satisfy the needs of the customer or fulfil the duties connected to our activity.

• The customer can freely gain access to his personal data at any moment and ask to modify or cancel them by contacting our Albergo Diffuso (data holder): BAITA DA RICO S.A.S. DI PIAZZA LORIS, Località Ciarcenal Monte Zoncolan, Sutrio, tel +39.331 6892383.

8. Withdrawal right
According to the legislative decree n. 185/1999 art. 7 the withdrawal right is not applied to contracts of housing services’supplying, transports, restaurants, free time when the supplier, drawing up a contract, obligates himself to provide such services on a certain date or a decided period.

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General Contract Terms